Coding Bear Academy

Computer Programming School for Children 8-18 Old

Since 2013 we teach children real computer programming

In Coding Bear Academy
Children Learn How to Create & Program:

Aesthetic image of a man surrounded by books, pencils and technology related items.
  • Websites
  • Computer Games
  • Microsoft Systems & Applications
  • Video Games
  • Robots

Children can learn modern programming languages such as;
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL, Visual Basic, C# and Java

Children Courses Adult Courses
Aesthetic image of a man surrounded by books, pencils and technology related items. (mobile version)

Websites & Applications

Mobile Friendly

Sync features a mobile friendly, responsive first website layout using Bootstrap 4.

Full Screen Landing

Using Bootstrap, the Sync theme features a full screen carousel landing page.

Custom Animation

Animate.css and Waypoints.js allow for smooth animations scrolling down the site.

Parallax Scrolling

Fixed background images allow the theme to have content-filled parallax scrolling sections.

Content Slider

Owl.Carousel.js makes navigating content sliders seamless with it's content carousel navigation.

Contact Form

The Bootsrap HTML form will send directly to your email address using PHPMailer.php.

Companies We Work With


Drawn photo of a Jane Doe sitting on her couch with a laptop.

Adult Classes

$20 - $22 / hour

Ideal computer programming for adults 18+, computer courses for seniors, and competitive low prices.

Drawn photo of two people sitting in front of a computer.
Most Popular

Child Classes

$20 / hour

Computer programming,
courses in small classes,
up to 12 children.

Drawn photo of an unoccupied desk with a turned on computer monitor.

Private Lessons

$50 - $75 / hour

Specially designed,
Private teaching,
2 hr meetings.


About Us

In 2012, while working on one of our ECM projects we received a question from one of our clients:

“I want my child to learn how to do computer programming,” she said. “Real computer programming. I have no idea who can teach this subject. Computer engineering course in regular schools are a joke! You have a degree in this stuff. Surely you can help her find what she needs to learn.”

So we set to work, searching the Internet for a cutting-edge programming course that was made for kids or teens. You can find anything on the Internet, right?

We were shocked at what we found: Nothing. Zilch. Nada. We weren't looking for material based on graphical scripting languages for younger children. Those languages will be discarded as a student advances. An inquisitive student should be able to learn real-world, modern programming skills in a fun manner – and build on that skill set for years to come!...

Soon we discovered, that in Germany a group of computer programmers and teachers were facing similar problems. What they did was come up with their own teaching ideas and wrote a curriculum. They wanted to use kid's love for computers and computer games to inspire a new generation of computer programmers and software developers.

As a professional IT Training Company, we decided to team up with these people. We set out to create the first courses in North America that could teach professional programming languages in a fun way that young students could understand. That is how CODING BEAR ACADEMY was born.

Frequently Asked Questions